How Long Do All-on-4 Implants Last?

How Long Do All-on-4 Implants Last?

TeamDental Implants

Missing natural teeth is a common problem among many Americans. In fact, tooth loss occurs in over 35 million adults.

Thanks to the many innovations in dentistry, when tooth loss is an issue, there are options like implants and dentures. Traditionally, dentures replace natural teeth and are held with adhesive to your gum tissue. Today, there’s a full mouth treatment available where the dentures are secured to the jawbone using four or more dental implant posts.

Called All-on-4 implants, this treatment is quickly becoming known as the next best thing to natural teeth. How long do All-on-4 implants last? Keep reading to find out, plus learn more about this revolutionary treatment plan for missing teeth.

What are All-on-4 Implants?

It’s no secret that traditional dentures have common disadvantages, such as the need for bone grafting. All-on-4 is a new type of implant-retained denture that not only reduces the need for bone grafting but also helps resolve many of the other conflicts traditional dentures present.

Many patients find that they’re candidates for All-on-4 implants because of the strategically placed dental implant posts. These are placed into the thickest part of the jaw. There are concerns from patients about the number of posts used, but All-on-4 is proven to provide the same stability and benefits.

What is the Process for All-on-4 Implants?

If you are missing all of the teeth on one or both sides or have teeth that cannot be revived, you may be  a good candidate for All-on-4 implant treatment. Patients are also often referred for this treatment if they have experienced bone loss in the jaw that prevents them from treatments such as traditional dentures.

As previously mentioned, the process for All-on-4 implants involves placing four or more implants into the thickest part of the jawbone. Typically, two anterior implants are placed vertically, and two strategically designed posterior implants are placed at an angle to take advantage of existing bone density. The method allows for a better hold than traditional dentures while using fewer implants.

How Long Do All-on-4 Implants Last?

With the proper care, All-on-4 implants have been shown to last more than 20 years. The implants used for support may last a lifetime and may never need to be replaced. However, the denture, or prosthesis, that attaches to them will eventually need replacement due to wear and tear from chewing and biting. Research shows that even with daily wear, the prosthesis lasts for approximately 10 years or more.

All-on-4 Treatment in Springfield and Hadley, MA.

All-on-4 implants are great for patients who are missing teeth or experiencing bone loss in their jaw. However, there are several patients who have traditional dentures that switch to this innovative treatment that is shown to provide more comfort.

All-on-4 implants reduce gum irritation and slipping. Additionally, there’s no use for denture adhesive! You simply have permanently attached restoration, providing a more confident smile, laugh, speech, and eating habits. Imagine being able to bite into a corn cob or apple again!

Life Dental Specialties provides All-on-4 treatment in Springfield and Hadley, MA. Dr. Anthony Quinta is ready to help you find a permanent solution for your missing teeth. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your appointment.